Sunday, October 19, 2008

behind the scenes: a disturbing look into our digital darkroom

parental advisory: the following image may be frightening to young children.
childrenal advisory: you HAVE to see this photo! it's hilarious.

i don't know. maybe i was just up way too late the other night. but when i looked up at the monitor and saw my viewer tool floating over nora's little baby lips, i couldn't control myself. eileen watched me quietly from the futon, her brow furrowed with concern. i managed to smother my guffawing, and we soberly decided it was time for bed. (but seriously, does this not remind you of something from star wars? or angelina jolie, perhaps? i'm just sayin'.)

unfortunately, a lot of our favorite work (and i'm not just talking about creative portraits like the one above) ends up on the cutting room floor -- never reaching your eyes.

the photos below didn't make our last blog entry either. in this case, because we just couldn't agree which we preferred. well, i knew which i preferred; and eileen knew which she liked, too. we couldn't post both. we were at an impasse.

not to mix you up in all of this, but...
what do you think? do you prefer the excellent composition and masterful content of the photo of my nephew and the egg? or do you like the missed moment and slightly out-of-focus snapshot of that other one? (i won't tell you what i think.)


Anonymous said...

I like the big lips pic. As far as the other choice, two cute kids are better than one!

Anonymous said...

Must you always be so weird?! =0) I second the above comment. Plus, your little nephew's facial expression is priceless in the 2nd one. I think you will definitely have to save it, and, of course, "unknowngly leave it in plain view of everyone" when he brings home his first girlfriend. Trust me, he'll thank you for it, I'm sure. =0)