Monday, October 27, 2008

meet baby logan, 10 1/2 months young

two out of two photographers agree. logan is as cute as a bug's ear -- and i'm not talkin' one of those green, slimy bug's ears. i'm talkin' a really, really, ridiculously good looking bug's ear. maybe we're partial. eileen and i think mixed babies are extra cute, which is why i married her. (ouch!!) I mean, just one small, fleeting reason that crossed my mind when I married her. anyway, i was saying we may be partial, but we think you'll agree.

logan's mom and dad, mary jane and robert, are good friends of ours. neither is allergic to grass, but their baby seems for some reason to have a phobia of the stuff. just see the pics below: happy as can be on his blanket, then put him on the grass and his legs begin to hover above the blades in an amazing acrobatic feat.

besides our great time with logan, we attended a baby shower for our sister-in-law carrie, expecting in december. congratulations carrie! do i hear maternity shots?? (i promise, nothing provocative.) among the men at the shower, i won the bottle-drinking contest. i'm very proud, but had an unfair advantage as i was weaned from my bottle only at 18 years of age.

just kidding. i was actually weaned at a relatively acceptable young age. my mom told me big bird stole my bottle. i didn't buy it then, and i still don't. everyone knows big bird lives on sesame street in new york. he couldn't possibly have made it back from georgia in time for the next morning's show.

look at those piggies. don't you just wanna chase 'em to market?

a beautiful moment: dad arrives home from work to greet his excited boy. okay, so he doesn't look that excited. hey, after ten months it's easy to start taking some things for granted.

...and there go the feet! what amazing balance!

wasn't it great to be a kid? there's nothing like a mother's comfort.


Anonymous said...

not only do your pictures look professional (you're up there with mario testino and ansel adams, even if all of you photograph completely different subjects), but your writing style is, as always, indisputably witty and original. i enjoy coming to see your blog. hope to see more of your posts in the future :)

Unknown said...

beautiful shots, phillip. I'm so glad you're doing well! Love to you and your beautiful wife.
-Erin Manion

Unknown said...

David is dark enough and I'm pale enough to have "mixed" babies, right??

Anonymous said...

I'm coming to GA so you can take pictures of my children! Yours always seem to turn out better than mine, for some reason....=0) And by the way, Kaylee just recently got over her phobia of grass, too, and she's now 17 months old. Our trick? Shoes! =0)

phillip said...

Ansel Adams! Please, I'm blushing. :)
It's so good to hear from you, as always. Anytime you wanna talk photography (or English, God forbid), just drop us a line. I know you have a great eye for it! Till then...

Wow! Fancy running into you here. So, I see you're nearby in Atlanta, and up for "whatever, whenever." Next time we're in town (or vice versa) we should catch up over dinner or something'. Thanks for following our blog!

Yes, or just "mixed up" kids -- which is very much the same thing. Why do you ask? Are there any plans for a bun in the oven??

Shoes, eh? Brilliant! :)
I would love nothing better than to snag some great shots of Kaylee. She's very photogenic, with or without shoes.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Phillip & Eileen, you guys did an amazing job with Logan's 1st 'photo shoot'!!! As his proud mommy, I must say, he is one cutie-patootie!!! My favorites are the 2nd pic (black & white) and the last pic. Of course, I also love the one with Logan's feet in the air on the grass, who knew he'd react like that!

phillip said...

Mary Jane,
I couldn't have said it better. Some babies are "cuties." Others are "patooties." But Logan truly is the whole package: cutie-patootie extraordinaire!
We love you guys! Thanks for letting our cameras into your home -- and for the lasagna. Delicious!
Do I hear anyone for movie night this week??