Sunday, November 9, 2008

carrie & andy (...and ella)

what a week, eh!? another presidential election came and went, history was made, and no angry, gun-toting mobs threatened our peace after all. (i'm afraid the same probably cannot be said for any moose wandering near an alaskan city when the voting ended.)

in other news this week, i was able to fill my car to "full" without maxing out my credit. a little disappointing, since i didn't earn anywhere near the points i had been racking up on my discover card. but i'm an optimist. so i couldn't help smiling when we paid just $1.98/gal. on the way back from snellville, where we took these maternity photos.

the happy parents-to-be are eileen's brother andy and his lovely wife, carrie (who was glowing, i might add). we haven't met our niece ella yet, but she appears to be rather oval-shaped.

a baby shower followed the photo session, and almost our entire family came together for it -- which, since we're all spread out, only happens on very special occasions or on days of the week that end in "-day."

here's to you ella. we can't wait to meet you next month. sorry your birthday falls so close to christmas. you'll have to get used to it, life is tough -- and wonderful!

these are some of our favorite black-n-whites. can't you just picture them framed?

i love the shot of andy kissing carrie's tummy. you better believe this kid is gonna get a lot more of those after she's born. andy is a fanatic for cute babies -- and ella is bound to be one of the cutest!

here is one of our ninang ("godmother") ruthie's many artistic contributions to the young parents: a delicious cake, complete with edible pregnant woman. (now that's ironic. a pregnant woman who is "eaten" instead of "eating.")

looks yummy, huh? let me give you an idea. the icing on the cupcakes was made with six sticks of butter. yeah, they were yummy.

wow! how 'bout them baby blues?

carrie's and andy's niece, emily, was supposed to give baby ella a hug for the camera. this is the closest we got.

we love you, carrie, andy, and ella. congratulations!

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