tuesday was cold. so cold, in fact, temperatures reportedly reached a record low for this calendar date in georgia. so cold, that my nose was dripping on the back of my camera, and eileen -- attempting to give instruction to our subject -- gradually became incapable of enunciating both explosive consonants and rounded vowels. ("awkay, now phut yar hand uf on yar hiph.")
but in some ways, we couldn't have been warmer. so what if we couldn't feel our fingers on our shutter releases. we barely noticed; because someone -- namely the stunning college grad you see below -- had suddenly brought the warmth of may into our cold november day. (...and get this: even her name is actually "may." what are the odds, right!?)
may contacted us after seeing our work on facebook.com, and told us she had hoped to commemorate her graduation from uga this semester with some senior portraits on the campus of her alma mater. both being journalism grads and english fanatics, we had a lot to talk about. but mostly, eileen and i just loved this gal's outgoing personality and love for life! you know, one of those people who you instantly feel you've known forever.
we had a blast "chillin' " with you, may. happy graduation!
no more pencils, no more books...
...well, maybe if it's a really good book. (and it is. jane austen in this case! i was pleased to hear may is a fan.)
according to tradition, students ring the university's victory bell to celebrate events like graduation and football games... unless we get our bell rung by the other team, that is.
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