Thursday, November 13, 2008

you gotta have faith

after some recent consultations with potential clients, i suddenly became aware of a trend arising among our subjects. they're all filipino! and it isn't just family. apparently we've found a niche among eileen's peeps. ;)

so i guess we have to give credit where it's due. there's no getting around it. i think the quality of our images has to be credited mostly to how photogenic filipinos are. so keep calling on us! and our consultations will continue to begin not with "nice to meet you," but "have you eaten yet?"

however -- to be clear -- yes, we will take your photograph even if you aren't filipino. ;)

our most recent filipina subject is the brilliant, energetic, and beautiful faith elizabeth. (don't those cheeks just scream for a good pinching?) at two years old, she's already speaking in complex sentences and remembers names better than i can at 25.

her proud mommy and daddy are "tita" and "tito" to us. and we couldn't be prouder to be faith elizabeth's "ate" and "kuya." (if only she lived close enough for more frequent cheek-pinchings. alas, florida is so far.) don't grow up too fast, faith elizabeth. xoxo


Unknown said...

Wow! Great shots of my Godchild Faith Elizabeth! You two are too good, Eileen and Phillip.

Dad (The Filipino one - that's not photogenic)

Anonymous said...

Shes a cutie patootie!

Anonymous said...

so cute!

Anonymous said...

Your photographs make me feel like I was there and have a feeling of intimacy that you don't normally get. I really believe you and Phillip have a great gift/talent and I'm not just saying it because I am your Tito Jody. I believe it so much that Tita Mila and I are ordering a lot from your recent photo session with our daughter Faith Elizabeth (more than we initially planned because they turned out so great!)

Mila said...

Great, great pictures! I want all of them. You both are excellent in what you do. The pictures captured Elizabeth's personality and they were so artistically done.

Anonymous said...

for a moment, i thought i was looking at a magazine!! Great shots of my niece! She's such an angel with a lot of FAITH !! Was that a childrens footwear add ?!! Thanks for sharing these Mila ... Marl