Monday, November 3, 2008

the girl of my dreams (...and my favorite co-worker)

...not that you aren't great to work alongside, too, dad. (i also work with dear old dad in our family's pool and spa shop.) but you have to admit, eileen looks a whole lot better in a wedding dress.

for the longest time (like practically since i laid eyes on her) i've wanted to photograph this beautiful woman who is now my bride. and this weekend, after nearly a year of marriage and no time to squeeze it in, we finally did it. i loaded my camera with a fresh roll of 35mm (okay, it was a CF memory card -- but, really, how romantic does that sound??), eileen loaded her dress with a fresh stick of dy-no-MITE, and we were off for a long overdue bridal session.

as those of you who know her can testify, eileen tends to shy away from the spotlight; so this took some coaxing. when we arrived at the park and she realized other people were there, too, the whole thing almost didn't happen. but she loosened up, and the results... well, you can see for yourself!

by the way, this post-marital photo shoot has got me thinking. ladies, have you ever asked yourself what good use you might put that wedding dress stuffed in the back of your closet to? it's never too late for bridal portraits. well, you may not want to put it off until your golden anniversary. let's just say there's no time like the present!

anyhow, as much as she rocks that white gown, that's nothing compared to how she rocks the flannel pajamas. so, i'm gone...

what a cut-up! ha!!


Anonymous said...

Eilleen, you are so gorgeous!!! :) I love your dress!

Philip, great work! (Eilleen can take first place, but I better be your second favorite co-worker! haha)

Did ya'll hear that I'm engaged??

We are coming home on Nov. 15 for two weeks...I will have to come see you guys...or maybe we can grab lunch!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet way to "celebrate" almost one full year of marriage! Eileen, you are so beautiful in every single shot! So photogenic!
=0) My favorite is the 3rd from the bottom. These pictures make me want to get married all over again! =0)

Unknown said...

I think we should have a bride's party one day where a bunch of girls get together in their dresses for a bunch of's not like we'll be wearing them again anyway - might as well have some fun!